"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
We talked about how our life is a race. Michael asked the children what are we racing toward. Eden said, "We race to make it to the finish line". Michael asked more specifically what "finish line" are we racing toward and both Noah and Eden said, "God". They are absolutely correct. Our "finish line" in life is to be with God in Heaven. However in order to run our race effectively and finish the race at the right "finish line", we must "lay aside every weight, and the sin" in our life.
From this point we talked about the Blizzard of 2016 and how powerful of a storm it was. The skies were dark and cloudy. The winds came roaring and the snow pelted down on us, the house, the yard, the roads, and the trees. It was the trees that we spent some time discussing next. We talked about how as the snow piles up on the trees and their branches, if the snow isn't removed somehow then the branches can break off of the tree. Noah right way related the trees and their branches to Jesus being the vine and us being His branches (John 15). We all recognized that the same way the snow weighs down the tree branches, sin will weigh us down while we are running our race. Similar to the snow, if sin is not removed from our life (e.g. the branch), then we will be removed from God (e.g. separated from the tree/vine).
It was important also not only to talk about sin in general, but also specifically. We asked the children what sin is and what were some examples. They responded that sin is disobeying God. They recognized that they are to obey and honor their parents first and foremost. They also admitted some of the things they have done that was wrong and they listened to the devil. They voiced that instead of listening to the devil, they need to say, "Get Behind Me Devil In The Name Of Jesus Christ" and then go and do what is right.
Then Michael asked what can melt the snow. Noah said right away, "the Ice Melt stuff." We responded positively and said "Yes". As "the Ice Melt stuff" is spread out on the ground to melt the snow, God's Word is spread throughout this world to remove sin. We asked what else can melt snow. Eden responded and said, "The Sun". We were excited about this as well and said, "Absolutely!" We then related the sun in the sky to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Through Jesus and Him only can sin be removed (or melted) from our life. Once these two analogies were discussed we talked about how both the Word of God and the Son of God would help us make the devil go away and do what is right in God's eyes.
So we learned two very important things from the Blizzard of 2016. Similar to how the storm was powerful and produced a lot of snow which weighed down the trees and stopped many people in their tracks, the devil is also powerful and produces a lot of sin in peoples lives which weighs them down and prevents them from running their race effectively. It is only when the sun comes out and people spread "the Ice Melt stuff" that the snow begins to melt away. Same goes with sin, when we receive the Word of God and believe in and repent of our sins to the Son of God, the sin will be melted away from our life so that we can make to the "finish line" to be with God forever!
So as Colleen concluded our "church" service today, we also want to share with you: "Let The Son Melt Your Sin, Like The Sun Melts The Snow".
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