Is it March 29th yet, the due date of my 6th
child. I was so sure my baby would come
this day as two out of the five others were born on their due dates. I fully anticipated the anxiousness of
awaiting birth, the excitement of holding a newborn, and the blessing of a
Is it March 29th yet, we held back on the excitement
and we did not share the news as we had a miscarriage only 7 months before (5th
Is it March 29th yet, at 10 weeks we share the
news of a new family member that was to come.
All baby’s siblings were so excited.
Of course, our 8 year old son, Noah, our only boy, hoped for a boy. Our 6 year old girl, Eden insisted the baby
would be a girl, she couldn’t wait to feed her.
The toddlers JoyAnna and Harvest were even excited. We shared our announcement on Facebook, my
youngest daughter Harvest, wasn’t so sure about the news. But you couldn’t tell by the baby belly
kisses she and JoyAnna gave every night.
Is it March 29th yet, I’m just plain sick. I can’t
stand the smell or sight of chicken. I have very little appetite, hmm a little
like when I was carrying my son. I also was
craving lemons.
Is it March 29th yet, we went on the most awesome
trip to visit the Ark and Creation Museum in Kentucky. It was baby’s first trip.
Is it March 29th yet, I wake up to get ready for
church and things just don’t feel “right.” The thought even crossed my mind “I
don’t feel pregnant today.” The thought is dismissed as quickly as it
came. Some spotting later would confirm
mother’s God given intuition.
Is it March 29th yet, I found out the gender of
my child at 18 weeks, but not through an ultrasound or blood test. It wasn’t supposed
to happen this way it was way too early. I found myself the most alone I have
ever felt. I remember calling out to God, asking why, and then I remembered the
peace that followed in the hardest point in my life. It was a day where I
instantly felt empty, in more ways than one. I didn’t have any of my own
strength left but God made a way.
Is it March 29th yet, it was going to be a day to
be celebrated for many years. It was the
day our son “Gabriel Lou” was to be born.
Noah would have been ecstatic to share the many boy things with
him. They were going to have their
secret little boy club, share a room, get into trouble, get dirty, and make
lots of messes together.
Is it March 29th yet, it was the day after he was
born. I felt so lost. We were heading to
a doctor’s appointment and though it would be a sad one it was the only thing
that felt “normal” at that point. When Gabriel was born he was still in the
sack so we didn’t know until the appointment that he was a boy. Before the
appointment I raced around the house for a blanket to wrap him in. At that point he was in a blue hand towel. I was searching for something gender neutral
but only could find a red and blue blanket with trains and trucks on it. That one had to do.
Is it March 29th yet, we had a birthday party for
JoyAnna less than a week after Gabriel was born. It’s what you do though right, as a parent.
You stay strong and smile, even when it’s hard.
My children will be the joy that gets me through many of the hard days.
God knows just what we need`.
Is it March 29th yet, I cling close to my husband
Michael. God has given him the strength
to be my physical rock. I’m so grateful for the husband God has called him to
Is it March 29th yet, it was the first time I
broke down in front of a stranger. I
kept a piece of the blanket we wrapped Gabriel in; he was to be buried in the
other piece. I was having it
embroidered, I started to explain to the lady what I wanted done and I just
couldn’t hold it together. She was very
sympathetic, I must have looked pitiful, she didn’t even charge me for the
work. I had a friend show up just after
my mini meltdown. God knows who we need,
when we need it. My friend too had her
share of loss as well. I can feel her
pain and she can feel mine.
Is it March 29th yet, exactly 22 weeks of not pregnant. I still can’t wrap my head around it
fully. We made it past the first
trimester, we were in the “safe zone.”
People told me, “at least you didn’t carry longer,” “there must have
been something really wrong,” “you have four others that need you now.” They
were trying to be helpful, trying to make me feel better. I have said similar things to people in the
same situation as me. Looking for the
right words, sometimes there are no right words. Then there was the silence. Like it didn’t happen, like Gabriel didn’t
even exist.
Is it March 29th yet, Gabriel’s sister JoyAnna just
turned 3 a week before he was born. She
doesn’t ask anymore to kiss my belly. She asks me when can Gabriel come back? Harvest can’t speak clearly in sentences but
without a doubt she told me “baby went to heaven.” The joy was there, he was
Is it March 29th yet, we took hand and foot print
molds of Gabriel after he was born. His
hands were no bigger than the tip of my pinky.
I look at those molds often. I’m reminded of Psalm 139 13-16 (ESV):
13 For you formed my inward
knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
Is it March 29th yet, my Dad had been in the
hospital and now is in rehab. My Dad is in the final stages of dementia. I
haven’t had to say much to my Dad about Gabriel, I can see the compassion and
concern in my Dad’s eyes for me.
Visiting him and being there for him and my Mom would be a part of my
healing process.
Is it March 29th yet, I have it marked on my
calendar “baby brown due.” I mean who
does that, marks it on their calendar.
Good moms can keep track, they don’t need to note it on a calendar. Maybe I wasn’t meant to be a Mom again. I must have done something wrong. What did I do wrong, was it something I ate,
was it something I did or didn’t do, did I take my prenatal vitamins that
week?! Maybe I didn’t pray enough.
Is it March 29th yet, God provides friends and
listening ears in unexpected places.
Is it March 29th yet, Gabriel Lou’s namesake,
pop-pop, joined him in heaven.
Is it March 29th yet, I’m struggling today, I’m
crying and can’t even tell you if it’s about my Dad or Gabriel. In an almost
audible voice God tells me “Colleen you are being ungrateful, be thankful for
the time you had with your Dad and Gabriel.”
Is it March 29th yet, I’ve been in prayer a
lot. Seeking for ways to lift others up,
it helps.
Is it March 29th yet, Gabriel’s sister Eden won’t
eat and hasn’t eaten properly since he passed.
Is it March 29th yet, we attend a memorial
service for Gabriel and other babies that passed at or before term. We are beginning to heal, so many who love
us, who loved him attended. I didn’t
know how much it would mean to me or help with the healing process for these
people to attend. I will always remember
each one that was there.
Is it March 29th yet, me and Eden have an
unexpected girl’s day out. It wasn’t in
our plans but it certainly was in God’s.
She requests last minute to visit Gabriel’s grave. She talked about Gabriel for the next 30
minutes, about how much she misses him, how she couldn’t wait to hold him and
take care of him. How she was going to
teach him to read. How much she loves
Is it March 29th yet, someone is offended at the
mention of the passing of our “preterm baby.”
It wasn’t the first it won’t be the last.
Is it March 29th yet, Eden is eating almost
normal again.
Is it March 29th yet, I realize its March. It hits me like a mac truck. I miss my Dad, I miss Gabriel, I miss my Dad,
God please take this pain away. God gives me the scripture found in Matthew 5:4
that says "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." He doesn’t
let me down.
Is it March 29th yet, I don’t by chance happen
upon a friend sharing about the loss of her baby. She shared the joy of watching her children
who may not have been if it weren’t for the baby that God took to be with
Him. I’m reminded of God’s clear message
to me,” Colleen be grateful.”
Is it March 29th yet, actually the date of today
is March 24th and ironically is exactly 5 months from the day
Gabriel was born, October 24th.
I’m not sure I can do this. I
don’t want March 29th to come.
Is it March 29th yet, it’s the 26th. I
have a little card with a scripture on it hanging on my kitchen cabinet. It came in a beautiful card someone sent me. The
scripture reads from Psalm 147:3 says “He healeth the broken in heart, and
bindeth up their wounds.” I can feel God
Today is March 29th, the day came and went. We stayed busy on purpose but I was still
very in tune to what the day was and what it means. It’s another day without Gabriel, another day
confirming we won’t be sharing baby snuggles, midnight feedings, and numerous
outfit changes. It’s a day that we had all planned out from the beginning of
knowing his existence. It is also a reminder that none of us are promised
tomorrow. From the tiniest and the
youngest to the biggest and oldest. I
tried my best to focus today on what God told me to do a few months ago, Colleen
be grateful.
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